Drawn to Help Hack for Health!

So here’s something I’ve never done before, participated in my first ever Hackathon and what a hack of a time I had at HealthHack2016! HealthHack brings together motivated people from diverse professional and educational backgrounds together to solve important problems in  healthcare and medical research. I love being involved in collaborations that bring different people together as we all have different experiences and skills to contribute and I thought I could help “draw out” the ideas. And what a GREAT reaction I received from the organisers and participants!

I drew some very quick sketchnotes of the opening 3-minute pitches of the HealthHack teams in Brisbane and their final 5-minute presentations, which were judged by an awesome panel of Women in STEM! Pitches ranged from fighting super bugs and helping the deaf enjoy a cinema experience to tracking antibiotic resistant bacteria and helping those with neurodiversity to navigate our urban jungles. You can see how I pictured the HealthHack ideas and solutions and view the fantastic photos from this amazing event via Flickr; which had so much energy and enthusiasm it was contagious. Thanks for having me, I’m now drawn to help hack for health: https://www.flickr.com/photos/100739735@N06/albums/72157671789329624/with/30363559876/

You can also follow my creative journey via my alter ego Dr Suzie Starfish on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/drsuziestarfish/ and @suepillans on Twitter and Instagram.

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