Colourful & Creative Communications!

What a creative time I have been having lately helping people, teams and organisations to communicate their important messages and stories. In the past month alone I have been drawing out diverse discussions from creative teaching and learning to bullying and international education from Brisbane to Cairns! The more I see how visuals can engage, educate and excite audiences, the more I see the power of visuals and creative communications for people.

It was a privilege and pleasure to visually capture the important discussions of the very first Ministerial Student Advisory Council held by the Queensland Education Minister, Grace Grace MP.  It was an honour to hear the students stories and see them have a voice with the Minister.

I was excited as an alumni of Griffith University to be invited to visually capture the Queensland Creativity Summit for Initial Teacher Education. Teaching for creativity and teaching creatively were the key themes of the Summit and as someone who runs their own creative business and who is passionate about creative education these discussions and stories were very close to my heART!

And I have just returned from Cairns where I was visually capturing the discussions of the Study Queensland Pop-Up at the International Education and Training Summit. I was very busy listening to the excited attendees talk about what the new brand #StartHereGoAnywhere means to them; on the biggest drawing I have done to date!!

It’s so great putting people in the picture as I live my life in colour! You can see more of my creative communications via my Graphic Recording, as my alter ego Dr Suzie Starfish and @suepillans on Twitter and Instagram.