Picturing 2018!

What a year 2018 has been for me with so many new creative collaborations, the release of my first children’s picture book, school visits by my alter ego Dr Suzie Starfish and working with amazing people to help “picture your ideas”. I’m always surprised by the amazing reaction I get from people when I draw out their ideas and present it to them as visual artworks. Being able to share my stories and those of others through visual storytelling is the best job ever!

Reflecting on my 2018 in pictures has given me lot’s to smile about as I continue to grow my small business by following my heART. It’s a balancing act and a steep learning curve everyday but not everyone can turn something they love into something they live, and I’m so grateful that I have! Some of the highlights of picturing 2018 for me have been the release of my first kids picture book The Great Barrier Thief, being part of creative education initiatives, drawing out important local and global sustainability and environmental issues, drawing some of the largest visuals I have ever done, holding science communication and visual workshops, picturing some of the big issues for Queensland school students and my school and kindy visits are always such a joy.

And being invited back by some of my wonderful clients for the 2nd and 3rd years of drawing out their ideas is just amazing! A BIG thank you to all of my amazing clients and for the community out there that provides me with such positive feedback and support. Drawing is putting a line around an idea and I love creating visual stories for people to help make the complex simple and the simple compelling.

As this is my last Blog for the year I wanted to thank my family, friends and followers for supporting my creative journey and I can’t wait to dive into 2019! Wishing you all a FIN-tastic FISHmas and ‘sea’ you next year. Best fishes, Sue  ><((((º>.¸.·´¯`·.¸><((((º>  .·´¯`·.¸><((((º>.¸